Take the Quiz

1. What drives you to be a working mom?
I have studied and trained and feel compelled to use my skills
I am very motivated by the contributions that my work makes to others
I enjoy using my skills and work provides personal satisfaction
I enjoy the camaraderie of interacting with others
2. What is your financial responsibility to your family?
Sole wage earner (100% of family income)
Primary wage earner (more than 60% of family income)
Equal wage earner (between 40-60% of family income)
Contributing wage earner (between 20-40% of family income)
Ancillary wage earner (less than 20% of family income)
3. What is your level of accountability for the physical/logistical care of your children during the work week?  
I have very limited accountability. I rely on my partner, family member or hired caregiver.
I contribute.  But my partner or child's caregiver has primary responsibility for physical childcare.
I share physical childcare responsibility equally with a partner 
I have primary responsibility for physical childcare but a partner actively contributes
I am accountable for all or nearly all physical childcare.
4. How would you describe your role in the emotional development of your children?
I contribute.  But my partner or child's caregiver has day to day responsibility
I share equally with a partner
I have primary responsibility but a partner actively contributes
I am nearly 100% accountable with little or no help from anyone else
5. How would you feel if you lost your job or did not work?
Not an option because of financial accountability
Deeply frustrated and determined to find a new job
Temporarily pleased and relieved but concerned for future opportunity
It would make me happier to not work
6. What has been your GREATEST challenge with working motherhood?
Challenges at work (deadlines, lack of opportunity, infrequent promotions, etc)
Lack of time for myself
Logistics (childcare, not enough time, etc)
Strain on relationship with husband, family or friends
A strong and perpetual sense of guilt or sadness for missing experiences with my children
7. How satisfied are you with your current childcare (nanny, daycare, parent or family member)
Very satisfied.  I don't worry and am able to focus on my job.
Somewhat satisfied.  It works although not always perfectly.
Somewhat unsatisfied.  I am frequently making alternate plans and it distracts me from my job.
Completely unsatisfied.  My current plan doesn't meet the needs of my children or career.
8. What are your career aspirations in the next 3 years
Desire a promoted position with more responsibility and higher pay
Satisfied with my current situation
Desire better balance between work and home and would change jobs to accommodate
Considering stopping work for a period of time to be home with my children
Considering leaving the work force to be home with my children
9. How old is your youngest child?
15yrs and older
0-18 months
10. How comfortable are you delegating childcare and household management to other people?
Very comfortable. I delegate now.
I don’t know whether I would be comfortable or uncomfortable
I am not comfortable delegating to others
11. Are you a single mom?  
Yes.  But I share parenting and financial responsibility for my child(ren)) with their other parent
Yes.  And I am solely responsible for the parenting and financial care of my child(ren).